Copyright by VG Bildkunst - Germany

Elke Daemmrich take part in the Salon "La force du détail"

of the A.I.A.P. comité national monégasque auprès de l'Unesco,

Principauté de Monaco, under the honoary presidency

of S.A.S. Le Prince Albert II of Monaco,

from February 12th through 28th, 2021.

She win the "Jury award, from professionals of the art world - painting section"
(Prix du jury - composé de professionnels du monde de l'Art - section peinture)
for her engaged work "Join us - Berlin 2020", 4 drawings, 58 x 78 cm, 2020.

"The paving stones on the "Big star" square in Berlin - the details of these 4 drawings by
Elke Daemmrich - will tell the story. In August 2020 the most important demonstrations
against the mesures of the corona crises and for the fondamental law took place between
Brandenburg Gate and Victory Column. Hundreds of thousands of peaceful people simply
exercised their right to protest were also witnesses of prachial violence from the autorities
against individual demonstrators. It is important for the artist to demonstrate these things
and to do so without evaluating them."

Photos by Elke Daemmrich and Pierre Cointe.

Privat visit from SAS Princess Caroline of Hanover

With the jury members, from left to right:
Marie-Thérèse Michel (art historian), Brigitte Chéry (journalist Art & Culture),
Elke Daemmrich (artist), Dr. Bernard Massini (collector and president of Amis
du MAMAC, Nice), Hélène Fincker (curator Villa Cameline, Nice).

From left to right:
Dominique Kindermann, Marie-Aimée Tirole (president of A.I.A.P. Unesco Monaco),
Marie-Thérèse Michel (art historian), Brigitte Chéry (journalist Art & Culture),
Elke Daemmrich (artist), Dr. Bernard Massini (collector and president of Amis
du MAMAC, Nice), Hélène Fincker (curator Villa Cameline, Nice).

Elke Daemmrich befor "Join us", photo by Evelyn Blanc